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Emergency Rooms of the CIUSSS De l'Estrie - Centre hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke

List of emergency rooms, capacity and possible wait times at the CIUSSS De l'Estrie - Centre hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke

There are 45 patients at Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins. 24 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins has a capacity of 16 functional stretchers and is in need of 21 stretchers which means its at 131% capacity. 4 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 0 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

450 266-4342

There are 66 patients at Hôpital de Granby. 40 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Hôpital de Granby has a capacity of 20 functional stretchers and is in need of 22 stretchers which means its at 110% capacity. 2 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 1 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

(450) 375-8000

There are 18 patients at Centre hospitalier du CSSS de Memphrémagog. 11 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Centre hospitalier du CSSS de Memphrémagog has a capacity of 7 functional stretchers and is in need of 5 stretchers which means its at 71% capacity. 0 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 0 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

(819) 843-2572

There are 7 patients at Centre hospitalier du CSSS de la MRC-de-Coaticook. 5 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Centre hospitalier du CSSS de la MRC-de-Coaticook has a capacity of 6 functional stretchers and is in need of 0 stretchers which means its at 0% capacity. 0 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 0 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

(819) 849-4876

There are 55 patients at CHUS - Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke. 28 have yet to be seen by a doctor. CHUS - Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke has a capacity of 44 functional stretchers and is in need of 22 stretchers which means its at 50% capacity. 8 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 3 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



There are 48 patients at Hôpital Fleurimont. 23 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Hôpital Fleurimont has a capacity of 28 functional stretchers and is in need of 21 stretchers which means its at 75% capacity. 1 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 0 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

(819) 346-1110

There are 12 patients at Centre multiservices de santé et de services sociaux Des Sources. 11 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Centre multiservices de santé et de services sociaux Des Sources has a capacity of 7 functional stretchers and is in need of 2 stretchers which means its at 29% capacity. 0 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 0 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

(819) 879-7151

There are 9 patients at Centre hospitalier du Granit. 7 have yet to be seen by a doctor. Centre hospitalier du Granit has a capacity of 5 functional stretchers and is in need of 1 stretchers which means its at 20% capacity. 0 patients have been on stretchers for 24 hours or more and 0 patients have been on stretchers for 48 hours or more.



Phone number

(819) 583-0330